Main-Stream-Media / Television / Internet

From the TV Choice, Wednesday 12 July 2023 …. there were 39 free-to-air channels providing on that day 34 murders and associated ‘Americano-type dross’ as for inclusivity is within the BBC, is a white heterosexual married male person an endangered species?

The great British public buy scratch cards and play lotto to win the money to live in a place like ‘Dallas’, (not in the East end of London)? The TV Choice front cover, every week, identifies really, really distressing and depressing misery, week in, week out. You ask yourself why the audiences invited to reality shows on TV turn into “the screaming masses”, and football presenters trying to outshout the crowd?

Out of the top 29 websites browsed in the UK there are four porn websites hit by millions!! What deprived species are we going to land up being?

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