The first past the post system has failed us. Two mainly socialist parties with usually the same policies must end, it never works (See Friedrich Hayek “The Road to Serfdom”). My personal opinion is that we have two choices. One historical, the other revolutionary. The tax and spend socialist Labour Party has not and will not ever work. However, if we were to return to THE ‘AUTHENTIC’ CONSERVATIVE PARTY there may be hope to regain a Great Britain as opposed to a broken one! (we may all remember the days when true Conservatives met at Brighton to support Sir James Goldsmith. The BBC said that evening “that there were quite a few there”!! We were there, and the Brighton Pavilion staff confirmed that they had never seen so many people!! My revolutionary idea is that if the voters in the UK could vote in between one-hundred to one-hundred-and-fifty independent MP’s (affiliated to no party) it would break the two-party system once and for all. You would see MP’s loyal to their constituents, loyal to their principles, prepared to debate, amend (and not dilute) legislation and generally get things done, which has not been the case for many years …