Common-sense, daft, moral maze, off the wall and just thought provoking…. read on, something up to now, Main-Stream-Media (MSM) have avoided, so, we publish independently.
I provide a personal manifesto wish list that I believe are the public priorities on what needs to be offered to obtain our vote. There will be an election in 2024 which in my opinion will be more of the same since 1997. Labour or Tory in safe boring middle ground. A polarised broken Britain with no true leadership, no vision and no solutions, just stagnant politics. No principle, but worst of all, none of the basic and important issues on people’s agenda to make life better for everyone in the UK.
In 2024 one of the current two main ‘tax-and-spend-socialist’ regimes who consider the electorate their servants, will be reduced to one executive with no working majority and unable to pass their legislation and govern, their way, with their own misguided agenda.
The purpose of this peoples’ manifesto is to look beyond the two-year debacle of the 2024 election and to regain by 2026 / 2028 the will of the people in the United Kingdom in electing MP’s as OUR SERVANTS with OUR AGENDA. Through general taxation the governing party has the duty to provide basic services within the UK, but they do not.
With just six weeks to go before the 2023 party conferences you will find that none of the items on my manifesto wish lists are on any of the parties’ agendas.
Since 1983 when Michael Foote proposed ‘the longest suicide note in history’ all parties of all persuasions have diluted and minimised any promises to the electorate. My vision would be that within the first sixty days of forming a government a private members bill should be presented and support by ‘the Government’ promising that if they were unable to provide normal everyday services that are expected by the electorate, those members of the public can go elsewhere and thereby get a general tax exemption % i.e. moving out of the NHS would give relief of 10% per annum. The small print on this can be ironed out but the principle applies, no service, no general government taxation. The lever for this change is set out below under a change of Government. With no overall majority one-hundred / one-hundred-and-fifty MP’s could provide, control and properly debate primary legislation.
The Author claims Copyright from 23rd August 2023.
The make-up and drafting of this People’s Manifesto commenced from early March 2023 and completed in draft by the end of July 2023. It was circulated to interested parties throughout August receiving only supportive comments. Final print was on the 23 August 2023. It should be noted that this was a whole month before the party conferences!